The Contractor’s Challenge – Effectiveness and Efficiency
For anyone in a general contracting position, two things are paramount when it comes to A/V technology – the speed at which the technology can be installed and its effectiveness once it is in place. Major hurdles faced by contractors directly employed by homeowners are that an A/V tech will be unable to properly install home theatres, or will make an error that will require the contractor to undo some of the work, which has already been completed.
Contractors require an A/V installation company that not only knows its own products, but has the ability to consistently communicate timelines and progress, enabling the entire contracting project to be completed on-time.
The Homeowner's Challenge – People and Professionals
From the perspective of a homeowner, the fewer people that are working in the home, the better. The installation of high-quality A/V systems necessitates the presence of a professional home theater technician in the home, and if the A/V installation is part of a larger process, this technician may be simply one of many.
For a homeowner, knowing who is in their home and for what exact purpose they are there for, is paramount in feeling both safe and comfortable with the installation process. A technician that is both professional in appearance and can easily relay updates to the general contractor and homeowner directly, can go a long way to making the process as seamless as possible.
The Technology Challenge – It Just Has To Work
When A/V, cutting-edge technology is installed in a home, it must:
• Work properly
• Operate simply
• Come at a reasonable cost
Premium A/V systems demand a premium price. However, to ensure that homeowners and contractors are willing to do business with a company and recommend them, home theater installation technicians and their technology must be effective, of high-quality, and straight forward.