Some clients will hire an AV systems and installation consultant who shows up at the project site with tons of new gear and racks intending to program, lace and test them on site. Inevitably problems arise with the programming, leaving the installation team scratching their heads for solutions. So they’ll need to call the project managers, but often new homes are in areas with lousy cell service, and of course no Internet yet either. So, the installers need to find cell service, call the project managers and explain all the complications they’ve observed and wait while the project managers researched the issues for them and call back. Most builders will find an experience like this maddeningly inefficient and cumbersome.
By contrast, an ideal project will feature a highly reputable ESC who assembles, laces, programs and tests the entire home automation and AV systems in the shop before even trying to install anything. This allows for all teams to troubleshoot the issues they uncover together and with all their resources around them. Upon site arrival, the installation will go quite smoothly as a result, with the added benefit that the various trades can stay out of each other’s way and still get the work done on time and under budget. An experienced ESC can dramatically increase the project’s efficiency by testing and programming in the shop rather than on site.
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