When customers move in and start using the components of their new home, they may find that certain devices don’t perform as advertised. As the main contact for the customer, the builder can expect to take calls from them when this sort of event occurs. All builders want happy customers, so they deal with these questions as professionally as they do everything else. However, the process gets complicated when the questions involve systems beyond his control, like the home automation and A/V systems. Now someone must chase the vendor who sold the components and get them to return to make things right. Further, builders often need to source an expert to help if a customer has ended up buying anything that the local vendor subbed out. Now, he's got to deal with another company another arm’s length further away.
All professionals servicing the building trades prefer to move cleanly onto the next job. Time spent fixing completed jobs eats into an already thin margin. No one wants to handle such situations; especially after already getting paid. But when the customer discovers that the DVD player can’t send an audio signal to the amp, someone needs to address the customer’s legitimate concerns. Getting that to happen can cause great pain (this must sound very familiar).

What can be done? Successful builders choose to work with a reputable, experienced ESC (electronic systems contractor). How can a builder be sure to partner with a reputable ESC? They’ll consult with the customer and advise them on solutions, rather than selling them gear. The best ECSs will tailor a solution to fit the customer’s needs, budget and the time constraints of the project. Then, once they’ve finished installing the equipment, they’ll stand by the job until the customer is totally satisfied that the entire system functions as intended.
Visit us at www.kiwiav.com to learn more about how a good ESC can ease the pain of the never ending project.